Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baby Carnival

Ellen spent most of today inside again given the cold weather in DC. Are we really getting snow again!? Ugh. I'm ready for the spring. There is nothing like having an infant in the winter to make you feel cooped up! So I digress...

Anyway, here you will see Miss Ellen enjoying her new Exersaucer...or as my mom called it "the baby carnival". Please pass the funnel cake!! Gotta love a happy baby :)


  1. Funnel cake... reminded me of a funny story- Jenny Sugg and I eating 2 strawberry funnel cakes between us at King's Dominion in 9th grade and then throwing up on JP 2 mins from Hillcrest - ha! Haven't eaten one since! Baby Ellen looks super content in her baby carnival-- aren't they the best?!
